Community Liaison Group

To enhance communication with the community in a proactive way and effectively deal with and manage the potential odour problem, Green Valley Landfill Limited (GVL) has set up a Community Liaison Group (CLG). The CLG shall involve representatives of potential odour sensitive receivers.
Terms of Reference
The works of the CLG are suggested as follows:
1. To carry out liaison and monitoring works on odour issues at the South-East New Territories Landfill Extension (SENTX);
2. To monitor the progress of the mitigation measures related to odour (if required) of the SENTX Project; and
3. To provide suggestions on mitigating potential odour issues of the SENTX Project.
Community Liaison Group and Group Members
Minutes of the 1st Community Liaison Group Meeting
Minutes of the 2nd Community Liaison Group Meeting
Minutes of the 3rd Community Liaison Group Meeting
Minutes of the 4th Community Liaison Group Meeting
Minutes of the 5th Community Liaison Group Meeting
Relevant Documents and Papers