
Executive Summary                                                              

1                      Introduction                                                                           

1.1                   Background                                                                            

1.2                   Project Description                                                           

1.3                   Scope of the EM&A Report                                               

1.4                   Project Organisation                                                        

1.5                   Summary of Construction Works                                

1.6                   Summary of EM&A Programme Requirements          

1.7                   Status of Statutory Environmental Compliance with the Environmental Permit                                                        

1.8                   Status of Other Statutory Environmental Requirements     

2                      EM&A Results                                                                          

2.1                   Air Quality Monitoring                                                       

2.2                   Noise Monitoring                                                                   

2.3                   Surface Water Quality Monitoring                             

2.4                   Landscape and Visual Monitoring                                

2.5                   EM&A Site Inspection                                                           

2.6                   Waste Management Status                                              

2.7                   Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures   

2.8                   Summary of Exceedances of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit                                                                                             

2.9                   Summary of Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions                                                                          

3                      Future Key Issues                                                                 

3.1                   Construction Programme for the Coming Month

3.2                   Key Issues for the Coming Month                                 

3.3                   Monitoring Schedule for the Coming Month          

4                      Conclusion and Recommendation                                




Annex A       Work Programme

Annex B       Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule

Annex C       Monitoring Schedule for This Reporting Period

Annex D       Air Quality
Annex D1    
Calibration Certificates for Dust Monitoring Equipment
Annex D2    
24-hour TSP Monitoring Results
Annex D3    
Event and Action Plan for Dust Monitoring
Annex D4    
Meteorological Data

Annex E       Noise
Annex E1    
Calibration Certificates for Noise Monitoring Equipment
Annex E2    
Noise Monitoring Results
Annex E3    
Event and Action Plan for Noise Monitoring

Annex F       Surface Water Quality
Annex F1    
Calibration Certificates for Surface Water Quality Monitoring Equipment
Annex F2    
Surface Water Quality Monitoring Results
Annex F3    
Event and Action Plan for Surface Water Quality Monitoring
Annex F4 
Investigation Reports of Environmental Quality Limit Exceedance

Annex G      Cumulative Statistics on Exceedances, Environmental Complaints, Notification of Summons and Status of Prosecutions

Annex H       Monitoring Schedule for the Next Reporting Period


Executive Summary

The SENT Landfill Extension (SENTX) forms an integral part in the Strategic Plan in maintaining the continuity of landfill capacity in the Hong Kong for the cost-effective and environmentally satisfactory disposal of waste.  ERM-Hong Kong, Limited (ERM) is commissioned to undertake the role of Environmental Team (ET) for the construction, operation/restoration and aftercare of SENTX Project (“the Project”) in accordance with the requirements specified in the Environmental Permit (EP), updated Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual, the approved Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report of the Project taking account of the latest design and other relevant statutory requirements.  The construction (not including works related to site clearance and preparation) of the Project commenced on 2 January 2019.

This Monthly EM&A report presents the EM&A works carried out during the period from 1 to 30 September 2019 for the Project in accordance with the updated EM&A Manual. 

Exceedance of Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality

No exceedance of Action and Limit Levels for construction air quality monitoring was recorded in the reporting period.

Exceedance of Action and Limit Levels for Noise

No exceedance of Action and Limit Levels for construction noise monitoring was recorded in the reporting period. 

Exceedance of Action and Limit Levels for Surface Water Quality

2 exceedances of the Limit Level for pH and 1 exceedance of the Limit Level for Suspended Solids (SS) were recorded for surface water quality impact monitoring in the reporting period.  The pH and SS exceedances at DP4 (Future, temporary) on 5 September 2019 and pH exceedance at DP4 (Future, temporary) on 12 September 2019 were considered not Project-related upon further investigation.

Environmental Complaints, Summons and Prosecutions

There were no complaints, notification of summons or prosecution recorded in the reporting period.

Reporting Change

There was no reporting change in the reporting period.

Future Key Issues

Potential environmental impacts arising from the upcoming construction activities in the next reporting period of October 2019 are mainly associated with dust emission from the exposed area and loading and uploading operation of dusty materials.

1                                              Introduction

1.1                                        Background

The SENT Landfill Extension (SENTX) forms an integral part in the Strategic Plan in maintaining the continuity of landfill capacity in the Hong Kong for the cost-effective and environmentally satisfactory disposal of waste.  The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report and the associated Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual for the construction, operation, restoration and aftercare of the SENTX (hereafter referred to as “the Project”) have been approved under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) in May 2008 (Register No.: AEIAR-117/2008) (hereafter referred to as the approved EIA Report) and an Environmental Permit (EP-308/2008) (EP) was granted by the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP) on 5 August 2008. 

Since then, applications for Variation of an Environmental Permit (No. VEP-531/2017) were submitted to EPD and the Variation of Environmental Permits (EP-308/2008/A and EP-308/2008/B) were granted on 6 January 2012 and 20 January 2017, respectively, as the Hong Kong SAR Government has decided to reduce the scale of the design scheme of SENTX assessed in the approved EIA Report and SENTX will only receive construction waste.  In May 2018, a Further Environmental Permit (FEP) (FEP-01/308/2008/B) was granted to the SENTX’s contractor, Green Valley Landfill, Limited (GVL).

ERM-Hong Kong, Limited (ERM) and Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited (Meinhardt) are commissioned to undertake the roles of Environmental Team (ET) and the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC), respectively, to undertake the EM&A activities for the Project in accordance with the requirements specified in the EP, updated EM&A Manual ([1]), approved EIA Report ([2]) taking account of the latest design and other relevant statutory requirements.

1.2                                        Project Description

The SENTX is a piggyback landfill, occupying the southern part of the existing SENT Landfill (including its infrastructure area) and 13 ha of Tseung Kwan O (TKO) Area 137.  A layout plan of the SENTX is shown in Figure 1.1.  Under the latest design, the SENTX has a net void capacity of about 6.5 Mm3 and provides an additional lifespan of about 6 years, commencing operation upon exhaustion of the SENT Landfill.  The SENTX will receive construction waste only.

The key implementation milestones of the Project are indicatively summarised in Table 1.1The construction works of the Project commenced on 2 January 2019.

Table 1.1        Estimated Key Dates of Implementation Programme

Key Stage of the Project

Indicative Date

Start construction

2 January 2019

Commissioning of new infrastructure facilities


Demolition of existing infrastructure facilities


Start waste intake at SENTX

2021 or upon exhaustion of SENT Landfill

Estimated exhaustion date of SENTX


End of aftercare for SENTX


The major construction works of the SENTX includes:

·           Site formation at the TKO Area 137 and the existing infrastructure area at SENT Landfill;

·           Construction of surface and groundwater drainage systems;

·           Construction of the leachate containment and collection systems;

·           Construction of new leachate and landfill gas treatment facilities, site offices, maintenance yards at the new infrastructure area;

·           Construction of new pipelines to transfer the leachate and landfill gas collected from the existing SENT Landfill to the treatment facilities at the new infrastructure area;

·           Construction of the site access and new waste reception facilities; and

·           Demolition of the facilities at the existing SENT Landfill infrastructure area.

1.3                                        Scope of the EM&A Report

This is the Monthly EM&A Report for the Project which summarises the key findings of the EM&A programme during the reporting period from 1 to 30 September 2019 for the construction works.

1.4                                        Project Organisation

The organisation structure of the Project is presented in Figure 1.2

Figure 1.2      Organisation Chart


Contact details of the key personnel are summarised in Table 1.2 below.

Table 1.2        Contact Information of Key Personnel






(Green Valley Landfill Limited)

Project Manager

Gary Barnicott

2706 8827

Environmental Team (ET) (ERM-Hong Kong, Limited)


ET Leader

Frank Wan

2271 3152

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

(Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited)



Fredrick Leong

2859 1739

1.5                                        Summary of Construction Works

The programme of the construction is shown in Annex A.  As informed by the Contractor, the major works carried out in this reporting period include:

·             Rebar fixing, concreting and formwork erection for the plinth and control buildings at Landfill Gas Plant area;

·             Excavating, removing and replacing unsuitable fill materials;

·             Sediment trap remedial works;

·             Construction of drop inlet shaft, MHX1 manhole and outlet box culvert;

·             Rebar fixing, formwork and concreting to the Leachate Treatment Plant (LTP) area and EPD, GVL and laboratory buildings;

·             Rebar, formwork and concreting to the substructure of infrastructure buildings (EPD building, GVL building and Laboratory);

·             Installation of ammonia stripping plant, equalization tank 2 and sequencing batch reactor tank 1 at LTP area;

·             Construction of perimeter bund for Cell 1X and 2X;

·             Maintenance and improvement of the temporary surface water drainage;

·             Preparation works of buttress wall (shotcreting and mass);

·             Installing groundwater pipe works along eastern perimeter bund;

·             CLP trench works at Area X2; and

·             Construction of X12 channel.

The implementation schedule of the mitigation measured recommended in the Updated EM&A Manual is presented in Annex B.

1.6                                        Summary of EM&A Programme Requirements

The status for all environmental aspects are presented in Table 1.3.  The EM&A requirements remained unchanged during the reporting period.

Table 1.3        Summary of Status for the Environmental Aspects under the Updated EM&A Manual



Air Quality

Baseline Monitoring

The results of baseline air quality monitoring were reported in Baseline Monitoring Report and submitted to EPD under EP Condition 3.3

Impact Monitoring



Baseline Monitoring

The results of baseline noise monitoring were reported in Baseline Monitoring Report and submitted to EPD under EP Condition 3.3

Impact Monitoring


Surface Water Quality

Baseline Monitoring

The results of baseline surface water quality monitoring were reported in Baseline Monitoring Report and submitted to EPD under EP Condition 3.3

Impact Monitoring


Waste Management

Waste Monitoring


Landscape and Visual

Baseline Monitoring

The results of baseline landscape and visual monitoring were reported in Baseline Monitoring Report and submitted to EPD under EP Condition 3.3

Construction Phase Audit


Site Environmental Audit

Regular Site Inspection


Complaint Hotline and Email Channel


Environmental Log Book


Taking into account the construction works, impact monitoring of air quality, noise, surface water quality and waste management were carried out in the reporting period.  The monitoring schedule of air quality, noise and surface water quality monitoring are provided in Annex C.

The EM&A programme also involved environmental site inspections and related auditing conducted by the ET for checking the implementation of the required environmental mitigation measures recommended in the approved EIA Report and relevant EP submissions.  To promote the environmental awareness and enhance the environmental performance of the contractors, environmental trainings and regular environmental management meetings were conducted during the reporting period, which are summarised as below:

Ÿ   One environmental management meeting was held with the Contractor, ER, ET, IEC and EPD on 18 September 2019; and

Ÿ   Environmental toolbox trainings on Mosquito Nuisance and Persistent Organic Pollutants were provided on 11 September and 23 September 2019 respectively by the Contractor to the workers.

1.7                                        Status of Statutory Environmental Compliance with the Environmental Permit

The status of statutory environmental compliance with the EP conditions under the EIAO, submission status under the EP and implementation status of mitigation measures are presented in Table 1.4.  

Table 1.4         Status of Submissions required under the EP and Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures

EP Condition

Submission / Implementation Status



Management Organisation of Main Construction Companies

Submitted and accepted by EPD.


Setting up of Community Liaison Group

Community Liaison Group was set up.


Submission of Detailed Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Report

Submitted, and accepted by EPD on 10 January 2019.


Submission of Restoration and Ecological Enhancement Plan

Submitted to EPD on 28 June 2019.


Setting up of Trial Nursery

Trial Nursery works was commenced on 28 August 2019.


Advance Screen Planting

Advance Screen Planting works were completed on 28 June 2019.


Provision of Multi-layer Composite Liner System

Under implementation.


1.8                                        Status of Other Statutory Environmental Requirements

The environmental licenses and permits (including EP, Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) discharge license, registration as a chemical waste producer, and construction noise permit) that are valid in the reporting period are presented in Table 1.5.  No non-compliance with environmental statutory requirements was identified.  

Table 1.5        Status of Statutory Environmental Requirements


Ref No.


Environmental Permit


Granted on 5 August 2008

Variation of Environmental Permit


Granted on 6 January 2012


Granted on 20 January 2017

Further Environmental Permit


Granted on 16 May 2018

Water Discharge License under WPCO (Permit Holder: Chun Wo)

Licence No.: WT00033525-2019

Validity from 27 March 2019 to 31 March 2024

Billing Account for Disposal of Construction Waste


Chit Account Number: 5001692

Approved on 28 December 2005

Registration as a Chemical Waste Producer (Permit Holder: Chun Wo)


Issued on 23 August 2018

Construction Noise Permit (Permit Holder: Chun Wo)


Validity from 28 May 2019 to 22 November 2019 (cancelled with effect from 9 September 2019 at 07:00 hrs)


Validity from 9 September 2019 to 3 March 2020

2                                              EM&A Results

The EM&A programme for the Project required environmental monitoring for air quality, noise and surface water quality as well as environmental site inspections for air quality, noise, surface water quality, waste management, and landscape and visual impacts.  The EM&A requirements and related findings for each component are summarised in the following sections.

2.1                                        Air Quality Monitoring

2.1.1                                 Monitoring Requirements and Equipment

According to the updated EM&A Manual of the Project, impact air quality monitoring (dust, in term of Total Suspended Particulates (TSP)) was carried out at the two designated monitoring locations (i.e. DM1 and DM2) at a 6-day interval.  As there are two existing TSP monitoring stations (i.e. TKO-A1 and TKO-A2a) currently operating by the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) to monitor the 24-hour TSP levels at the proposed dust monitoring stations for the SENTX, it is considered that the CEDD monitoring data can represent the dust condition of the SENTX during the construction phase.

The Action and Limit Levels of the air quality monitoring is provided in Table 2.1 below.

Table 2.1        Action and Limit Levels for 24-hour TSP

Monitoring Station

Action Level

Limit Level

DM-1 – Site Egress of TKO Area 137 Fill Bank


204 µg m-³

260 µg m-³

DM-2A –Combined Reception and Exit Office (CREO) of TKO Area 137 Fill Bank

193 µg m-³

260 µg m-³

High volume air samplers (HVSs) in compliance with the specifications listed under Section 3.2.2 of the updated EM&A Manual were used to measure 24-hour TSP levels at the CEDD dust monitoring stations.  The HVSs were calibrated upon installation and thereafter at bi-monthly intervals to check the validity and accuracy of the results.

The equipment used in the impact air quality monitoring programme and monitoring locations are summarised in Table 2.2 and illustrated in Figure 2.1 respectively.  Copies of the calibration certificates for the equipment are presented in Annex D1.

Table 2.2         Dust Monitoring Details

Monitoring Station



Frequency and Duration

Monitoring Dates



Site Egress of TKO Area 137 Fill Bank

24-hour TSP

Once every 6 days during the construction phase of the Project

7, 13, 19, 25 September 2019

HVS Greasby 105 (S/N: 9795 (ET/EA/003/18))


Combined Reception and Exit Office (CREO) of TKO Area 137 Fill Bank


HVS Andersen G1051 (S/N: 1176 (ET/EA/003/05))

2.1.2                                 Monitoring Schedule for the Reporting Month

The schedule for air quality monitoring during the reporting period is provided in Annex C.

2.1.3                                 Results and Observations

The monitoring results for 24-hour TSP are summarised in Table 2.3.  The detailed monitoring results and the graphical presentation of the 24-hour TSP results at each monitoring location are provided in Annex D2.

Table 2.3        Summary of 24-hour TSP Monitoring Results in the Reporting Period

Monitoring Station

Average 24-hr TSP Concentration (µg m-3) (Range in bracket)

Action Level  (µg/m3)

Limit Level  (µg/m3)

DM-1 – Site Egress of TKO Area 137 Fill Bank

103 (67 - 134)




DM-2A –Combined Reception and Exit Office (CREO) of TKO Area 137 Fill Bank

108 (79 – 146)



The major dust sources in the reporting period included fugitive dust emission from exposed area in SENTX, as well as nearby operations of the existing SENT landfill and the TKO Area 137 Fill Bank.

All the 24-hour TSP results were below the Action and Limit Levels at the monitoring locations in the reporting period.  No action is thus required to be undertaken in accordance with the Event and Action Plan presented in Annex D3.

2.1.4                                 Meteorological Data

Meteorological data obtained from the on-site meteorological monitoring station at the existing SENT landfill (see Figure 2.1) were used for the dust monitoring and are shown in Annex D4.  The meteorological station will be relocated to a new position for SENTX as per the updated EM&A Manual after the new infrastructure area at the SENTX is constructed.  It is considered that meteorological data obtained at the existing the on-site meteorological monitoring station are representative of the Project area and could be used for the construction phase dust monitoring programme for the Project.

2.2                                        Noise Monitoring

2.2.1                                 Monitoring Requirements and Equipment

According to the updated EM&A Manual of the Project, impact noise monitoring was conducted weekly at the monitoring location (i.e. NM1) to obtain one set of 30 minutes measurement between 07:00 and 19:00 hours on normal weekdays. 

The Action and Limit Levels for construction noise of the Project are provided in Table 2.4 below. 

Table 2.4        Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise

Time Period

Action Level (a)

Limit Level (b)

07:00 – 19:00 hrs on normal weekdays

When one documented complaint is received from any one of the noise sensitive receivers (NSRs)


75 dB(A) recorded at the monitoring station

75 dB(A) at NSRs


(a)      75dB(A) along and at about 100m from the SENTX site boundary was set as the Action Level.

(b)      Limits specified in the GW-TM and IND-TM for construction and operational noise, respectively.    


Noise monitoring was performed by ALS Technichem (HK) Pty Ltd. (HOKLAS Registration No. 066) using sound level meter at the designated monitoring station NM1 (see Figure 2.1) in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the updated EM&A Manual.  Acoustic calibrator was deployed to check the sound level meter at a known sound pressure level.  Details of the deployed equipment are provided in Table 2.5.  Copies of the calibration certificates for the equipment are presented in Annex E1

Table 2.5        Noise Monitoring Details

Monitoring Station (1)



Frequency and Duration

Monitoring Dates



SENTX Site Boundary (North)

Leq (30 min) measurement between 07:00 and 19:00 hours on normal weekdays

(Monday to Saturday)

Once per week for 30 mins during the construction period of the Project

5, 12, 19, 26 September 2019

Sound Level Meter: B&K 2238 (S/N: 2285762)


Acoustic Calibrator: Rion NC-75 (S/N: 34680623)

2.2.2                                 Monitoring Schedule for the Reporting Month

The schedule for noise monitoring during the reporting period is provided in Annex C.

2.2.3                                 Results and Observations

A total of 4 impact noise monitoring events were scheduled during the reporting period.  Results for noise monitoring are summarised in Table 2.6.  The monitoring results and the graphical presentation of the data are provided in Annex E2.

Table 2.6         Summary of Construction Noise Monitoring Results in the Reporting Period

Monitoring Station

Measured Noise Level Leq (30 min), dB(A)



Action and Limit Level



51.0 – 54.8


Major noise sources identified during the noise monitoring included noise from operations of the existing SENT landfill and the TKO Area 137 Fill Bank, aircrafts and insects.

No Action and Limit Levels exceedance was recorded for construction noise monitoring in the reporting period.  No action is thus required to be undertaken in accordance with the Event and Action Plan presented in Annex E3.

2.3                                        Surface Water Quality Monitoring

2.3.1                                 Monitoring Requirements and Equipment

According to the updated EM&A Manual of the Project, impact surface water quality monitoring were carried out at the three designated surface water discharge points (i.e. DP3, DP4 and DP6) weekly to ensure that the SENTX will not cause adverse water quality impact.  Temporary relocation of surface water discharge point DP4 to DP4 (Future, temporary) as an interim arrangement due to site constraints and construction sequence was approved by EPD on 14 May 2019.  Surface water quality monitoring was carried out at DP4 (Future, temporary) (i.e. DP4T) from the monitoring event on 16 May 2019.  In addition, suspension of impact surface water quality monitoring at DP3 was approved under the Baseline Monitoring Report by EPD on 24 July 2019 until the actual commencement of construction works affecting DP3 in 2021.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and pH value were measured in-situ whereas the level of suspended solids (SS) were determined by ALS Technichem (HK) Pty Ltd. (HOKLAS Registration No. 066).

The Action and Limit Levels of the surface water quality impact monitoring are provided in Table 2.7.

Table 2.7         Action and Limit Levels for Surface Water Quality


Action Level

Limit Level


DP4 & DP6


< 5.80 mg/L

< 5.42 mg/L


> 11.7 mg/L

> 12.7 mg/L


> 8.39

> 8.40

The locations of the monitoring stations for the Project are shown in Figure 2.1.  All in situ monitoring instruments were checked, calibrated and certified by a laboratory accredited under HOKLAS or other international accreditation scheme before use, and subsequently re-calibrated at 3 monthly intervals throughout all stages of the surface water quality monitoring programme.  Calibration for a DO meter was carried out before measurement according to the instruction manual of the equipment model.  Details of the equipment used in the impact surface water quality monitoring works are provided in Table 2.8.  Copies of the calibration certificates for the equipment are presented in Annex F1

Table 2.8         Impact Surface Water Quality Monitoring Details

Monitoring Station



Monitoring Dates



DP4 (Future, temporary)

Surface water discharge point DP4


5, 12, 19, 26 September 2019




YSI Professional DSS (S/N: 15H102620)



Surface water discharge point DP6


(a)   DP4 was temporary relocated to DP4 (Future, temporary) (i.e. DP4T) as an interim discharge point from the monitoring event on 16 May 2019.

(b)   Impact surface water quality monitoring at DP3 was suspended from the monitoring event on 25 July 2019 until the actual commencement of construction works affecting DP3 in 2021.

2.3.2                                 Monitoring Schedule for the Reporting Month

The schedule for surface water quality monitoring during the reporting period is provided in Annex C.

2.3.3                                 Results and Observations

A total of 4 monitoring events for impact surface water quality monitoring were scheduled at all designated monitoring stations during the reporting period.  However, sampling was not carried out on 5 September 2019 at DP6, 19 September 2019 and 26 September 2019 at DP6 due to insufficient flow.  Impact water quality monitoring results and graphical presentations are provided in Annex F2.

Action and Limit Level exceedances were recorded for surface water quality impact monitoring in the reporting period and actions in accordance with the Event and Action Plan presented in Annex F3 were undertaken.  Investigations on the Action and Limit Levels exceedances were conducted and summarised in Table 2.9 below.  Investigation reports of the exceedances are presented in Annex F4.

Table 2.9        Details of Exceedances Recorded for Surface Water Quality Monitoring


Monitoring Location


Type of Exceedance


5 September 2019

DP4 (Future, temporary)


Limit Level

Non Project-related

5 September 2019

DP4 (Future, temporary)


Limit Level

Non Project-related

12 September 2019

DP4 (Future, temporary)


Limit Level

Non Project-related


Based on the investigation conducted for each of the monitoring event with potential Action and Limit Levels exceedances with the Contractor, and the IEC, the pH and SS exceedances at DP4 (Future, temporary) on 5 September 2019 and pH exceedance at DP4 (Future, temporary) on 12 September 2019 were considered not Project-related upon further investigation.  The Contractor was reminded to implement all relevant mitigation measures for the construction works and maintain good site practice.  The ET will keep track on the monitoring data and ensure Contractor’s compliance of the environmental requirements.

2.4                                        Landscape and Visual Monitoring

2.4.1                                 Monitoring Requirements

According to the updated EM&A Manual of the Project, the monthly landscape and visual audit was conducted on 27 September 2019 to monitor the implementation of the landscape and visual mitigation measures during construction phase.

All relevant environmental mitigation measures listed in the approved EIA Report and the updated EM&A Manual and their implementation status are summarised in Annex B.

2.4.2                                 Results and Observations

The Contractor has implemented environmental mitigation measures as stated in the approved EIA Report and the EM&A Manual.

Regarding the landscape and visual audit, the Contractor was reminded to identify the topsoil to be generated from the construction works and plan for the storage and re-use of the topsoil where practical.  The Contractor shall consider the mitigation measures during the design phase, including the preparation of the Construction Drawings and Detailed Landscape Design Drawings.

2.5                                        EM&A Site Inspection

Site inspections were carried out on a weekly basis with the Contractor, IEC and ER to monitor the implementation of proper environmental pollution control and mitigation measures for air quality, noise, surface water quality and waste management under the Project.  In the reporting period, 4 site inspections were carried out on 5, 12, 18 and 26 September 2019.

Key observations during the site inspections are summarised in Table 2.10.

Table 2.10    Key Observations Identified during the Site Inspection in this Reporting Month

Inspection Date

Environmental Observations and Recommendations

5 September 2019

·             The Contractor shall display a NRMM label to the roller near the new haul road.

·             The Contractor shall remove the deposited silt and grit and maintain the concrete bund at the temporary drainage along the Western perimeter bund to prevent overflow of site water outside the site boundary.

·             The Contractor shall maintain the concrete partition and enhance the efficiency of the silt removal facilities at DP6 to ensure all water is treated before discharge.

·             The Contractor shall clean up the oil spillage near the sediment trap and handle the clean up materials as chemical waste.

·             The Contractor shall maintain the drainage at the upstream of DP4T (near buttress wall) to avoid direct discharge of muddy water to the channel.

·             The Contractor shall provide drip trays for all chemicals on site and ensure all chemicals are contained inside the drip trays.

·             The Contractor shall clear the general refuse in the refuse skips near DP4T channel regularly to reduce odour and pest impacts and avoid accumulation of stagnant water in the refuse skips.

12 September 2019

·             The Contractor shall enhance watering to the site, especially to the working areas to minimize fugitive dust emission.  The Contractor shall also increase watering frequency of water trucks to the haul road prior to the complete installation and operation of sprinklers along the haul road.

·             The Contractor shall implement dust control measure when conducting activities related to dusty materials (i.e. handling of sawdust) near future LFG Plant.

·             The Contractor shall remove the deposited silt and grit (especially around the excavator) and maintain the concrete bund at the temporary drainage along the Western perimeter bund to prevent overflow of site water outside the site boundary.

18 September 2019

·             The Contractor shall replace the faded NRMM label on the generator near DP6 and ensure all NRMM labels on the regulated machines on site are coloured and clearly visible.

26 September 2019

·             The Contractor shall display chemical labels to the chemicals placed near sediment trap, future EPD Building and DP6 channel.

·             The Contractor shall replace the NRMM label on the generator near future GVL Building to ensure the label is coloured and clearly visible in accordance with the APCO.

·             The Contractor shall continue to remove the deposited silt and grit at the temporary channel along the Western perimeter bund to prevent overflow of site water outside the site boundary.

The Contractor has rectified all of the observations identified during environmental site inspections in the reporting period.  Key environmental deficiencies identified and the corresponding rectification actions are presented in Table 2.11.

Table 2.11    Summary of Environmental Deficiencies Identified and Corresponding Rectification Actions


Rectifications Implemented

Proposed Additional Control Measures

Surface Water

Intercepting channels & drainage system

Ÿ   Reviewed drainage plan.

Ÿ   Addition of channels.

Ÿ   Expedite the construction of permanent sediment trap and discharge culverts.


DP channels (design & regular silt removal)

Ÿ   Carried out regular maintenance and cleaning of channels.

Ÿ   DP4 channel: Area near the channel was paved with concrete and a bund was built.

Ÿ   DP6 channel: Gravel piles on the channel were covered with concrete which serve as blocks for running water and to divide the channel into several sections. A pump was placed in the water zone in the upstream section to pump water to the Wetsep for treatment prior to the discharge to the last section before the weir plate.  

Ÿ   DP6: Pipes through the gravel piles between different channel sections were covered with geotextiles to block debris and silt.



Stockpiles & exposed soil

Ÿ   Installed silt fencing near surface water channel along DP6 channel.

Ÿ   Improve soil covering.

Ÿ   Compaction and cover for stockpiles and soil slopes.


Wetsep (treatment capacity & number)

Ÿ   Reviewed Wetsep capacity.

Ÿ   Chemicals dosage of the Wetsep was increased to enhance the efficiency.

Ÿ   Install additional Wetsep.

Backflow / ponding during heavy rainfall

Ÿ   Raised with EPD (LDG) and CEDD.


2.6                                        Waste Management Status

The Contractor has registered as chemical waste producer under the Contract.  Sufficient numbers of receptacles were available for general refuse collection and sorting.

As informed by the Contractor, waste generated during this reporting period include mainly non-inert construction waste.  Reference has been made to the waste flow table prepared by the Contractor.  The quantities of different types of wastes and imported fill materials are summarised in Table 2.12.

Table 2.12      Quantities of Different Waste Generated and Imported Fill Materials



Inert C&D Materials (a)
(in ‘000m3)

Imported Fill
(in ‘000kg)

Inert Construction Waste Re-used
(in ‘000m3)

Non-inert Construction Waste (b)
(in ‘000m3)

Recyclable Materials (c)  (in ‘000kg)

Chemical Wastes
(in ‘000kg)



1 – 30 September 19









(a)      Inert construction wastes include hard rock and large broken concrete, and materials disposed as public fill.  Density assumption: 1.6 (kg/L) for public fill.

(b)      Non-inert construction wastes include general refuse disposed at landfill. Density assumption: 0.9 (kg/L) for general refuse.

(c)      Recyclable materials include metals, paper, cardboard, plastics and others.

2.7                                        Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures

A summary of the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule is presented in Annex B.  The necessary mitigation measures were implemented properly for the Project.

2.8                                        Summary of Exceedances of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit

The 24-hour TSP monitoring results and construction noise monitoring results complied with the Action and Limit Levels in the reporting period.  2 exceedances of the Limit Level for pH and 1 exceedance of the Limit Level for SS were recorded for surface water quality impact monitoring in the reporting period.  The pH and SS exceedances at DP4 (Future, temporary) on 5 September 2019 and pH exceedance at DP4 (Future, temporary) on 12 September 2019 were considered not Project-related upon further investigation.

Cumulative statistics on exceedances is provided in Annex G.

2.9                                        Summary of Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

There were no complaints, notification of summons or prosecution recorded in the reporting period.

Statistics on complaints, notifications of summons, successful prosecutions are summarised in Annex G.

3                                              Future Key Issues

3.1                                        Construction Programme for the Coming Month

As informed by the Contractor, the major works for the Project in October 2019 will be:

Ÿ   Site clearance, preparation and formation of Area X1 and X2;

Ÿ   Excavation and removal of unsuitable fill materials;

Ÿ   Remaining site formation works at Area X1;

Ÿ   Filling of perimeter bund for Cell 2X;

Ÿ   Construction of drop inlet shaft;

Ÿ   Construction of buttress wall;

Ÿ   Construction of perimeter wall and plinths at LTP area and substructure at bioplant;

Ÿ   Installation of ammonia stripping plant, equalization and sequencing batch reactor tanks and other equipment at LTP area;

Ÿ   Construction of CLP trench;

Ÿ   Excavation and construction of discharge box culvert;

Ÿ   Construction of substructure and superstructure of new infrastructure building;

Ÿ   Construction of plinths and superstructure of Landfill Gas Plant area;

Ÿ   Construction of X12 channel;

Ÿ   Construction of groundwater pipe from east to south in Cell 1X and 2X perimeter bund; and

Ÿ   Construction of substructure and superstructure at maintenance building.

3.2                                        Key Issues for the Coming Month

Potential environmental impacts arising from the above upcoming construction activities in the next reporting period of October 2019 are mainly associated with dust emission from the exposed area and loading and uploading operation of dusty materials.  The ET will keep track on the construction works to confirm compliance of environmental requirements and the proper implementation of all necessary mitigation measures.

3.3                                        Monitoring Schedule for the Coming Month

The tentative schedules for environmental monitoring in October 2019 are provided in Annex H.

4                                              Conclusion and Recommendation

This EM&A Report presents the findings of the EM&A activities undertaken during the period from 1 to 30 September 2019 in accordance with the updated EM&A Manual and the requirements of the Environmental Permit (EP-308/2008/B).

Air quality (24-hour TSP), noise and water quality (DO, pH and SS) monitoring were carried out in the reporting period.  Results for air quality monitoring (24-hour TSP) complied with the Action and Limit Levels in the reporting period.  No Action and Limit Levels exceedances were recorded for construction noise monitoring.  2 exceedances of the Limit Level for pH and 1 exceedance of the Limit Level for SS were recorded for surface water quality impact monitoring in the reporting period.  The pH and SS exceedances at DP4 (Future, temporary) on 5 September 2019 and pH exceedance at DP4 (Future, temporary) on 12 September 2019 were considered not Project-related upon further investigation.

Environmental site inspections were carried out during the reporting period.  Recommendations on remedial actions were given to the Contractor for the deficiencies identified during the site inspections.

There were no complaints, notification of summons or prosecution recorded in the reporting period.

The ET will keep track on the construction works to confirm compliance of environmental requirements and the proper implementation of all necessary mitigation measures.


([1])        ERM (2018).  South East New Territories (SENT) Landfill Extension: Environmental Monitoring & Audit Manual

([2])        ERM (2007).  South East New Territories (SENT) Landfill Extension – Feasibility Study: Environmental Impact Assessment Report